PSA Key Dates 2024-25

Autumn Term 24

Late Summer Picnic on Friday, 13th September, save the date! This is to replace the postponed July 12th event. Adult tickets and free registration for students/siblings available from 22nd August using the following link 

Summer Term 24

Thursday 27th June,  Summer Concert from 6pm - PSA serving wine, beer and soft drinks before/in interval, by the Drama Hall.  Volunteers appreciated to help Val Marques (PSA Marketing Manager) set up and serve.

Monday 1st July,  Yr 6 Transition Evening for Parents, 5-6pm - PSA providing complimentary wine, beer and soft drinks to new September intake parents, outside in the quad if dry, in Drama Hall cafeteria area if wet. Volunteers welcomed to help DJ (Derek Johnston, PSA Chair) and Jennifer Clarke (PSA Events Co-ordinator) set up and serve. 

Thursday 4th July, Whole school Open Evening, 5.30-7.30pm - PSA serving hot and cold drinks in 6th Form cafeteria area, Donations of biscuits and or cakes (home-made or bought) would be much appreciated (can be dropped off with your child at reception on the day or brought along on the evening). Volunteers requested to help Hannah Childs (PSA Secretary) set up and serve. 

To offer help at any of the above events or to notify if able to provide cakes/biscuits please e-mail

PSA Summer Picnic 2024, Friday 12th July, from 5.30pm, £3 tickets for adults and free registration for Christ's students and siblings /3588/summer-picnic-2024

Spring Term 24

PSA Quiz Night 2024, Friday 22nd March, more info and booking details to come but start getting your teams of 8 together for this popular annual event!  /3521/psa-quiz-night-2024


Christ's Book Club, Wednesday 28th February 2024, 8pm, The Lass O'Richmond Hill, reading "Cleopatra and Frankenstein" by Coco Mellors, please e-mail if wanting to join


PSA Annual General Meeting, Monday 29th January 2024, 8.30pm online on Zoom


Christ's Book Club, Wednesday 10th January 2024, 8pm Lass O'Richmond Hill pub

We will be talking about "Stone Blind" (Medusa's story) by Natalie Haynes - please e-mail if wanting to come along

Autumn Term 23

Christmas Carol Concert, Thursday 7th December, from 7pm, Holy Trinity Richmond.

PSA providing mulled wine and mince pies for carol concert refreshments - donations and volunteer help appreciated.

Autumn 'At Home' Music Concert, Thursday 16th November, in the music block.

PSA providing refreshments for audience - volunteer help appreciated.



Year 7 Parents' and Carers' Social Tuesday 26th September from 7.30pm 

At the White Horse Pub, Richmond. RSVP by e-mail


Parents' Information Evening (PIE) Thursday 28th September 6-8pm 

Volunteer offers to serve drinks and provide donations of sweet treats appreciated


Christ's Book Club rescheduled for Wednesday 8th November from 8pm 

At The White Horse, Richmond, reading "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" by Gabrielle Zevin. RSVP via e-mail.


Firework Festival 2023 Friday 3rd November, 6-9pm 

NOW SOLD OUT! /3407/firework-festival-2023 Pre-paid food tokens now available for ticket holders to purchase



Summer Term 2023 

PSA Summer Picnic - Friday 30th June 2023

Please see dedicated page for info /3006/summer-picnic-2023


Extended deadline for Funding Gate ideas submissions (see 'Latest News') Friday 26th May.


Spring Term 2023

PSA Quiz Night. Friday 24th March 

Further information on dedicated page /3225/quiz-night-2023

Tickets available from Monday 6th February


Autumn Term 2022

Firework Festival, Friday 4th November 6-9pm.

Sorry, this event is now sold out. Pre-pay hot food tokens for ticket holders and volunteers now available

For up to date information check our dedicated page /2754/fireworks-festival-2022


Annual General Meeting (AGM), 8pm, Tuesday 18th October -

via Zoom. Link and reports to be sent out to all Christ's families.


Year 9 Parents and Carers' Social

Tuesday 11th October, 7.30pm - please RSVP if attending

White Horse pub, Richmond



Year 7 Parents' and Carers' Social

Tuesday 21st September from 7.30pm.

White Horse Pub, Richmond.




Summer Term 2022


Summer Picnic Friday 15th July - cancelled due to Sports day clash


Fireworks 22 Team planning meeting 14th June


Spring Term 2022


PSA Quiz Night

Friday 25th March '22 7.30-11pm /2960/quiz-night-2022


Quiz Planning Meeting 

Thursday 24th February, 7.30pm The White Horse, Richmond


Autumn Term 2021

PSA open meeting

Tuesday 23rd November (White Horse pub, Richmond, table booked under 'Hannah Childs' from 8pm, all welcome) 

For numbers please e-mail if planning to attend

(* this is rescheduled from the original 16th Nov date) 


Christ's Fireworks Night Friday 5th November, see dedicated page for more info /2754/fireworks-night-2021


PSA AGM Tuesday 12th October (online)


Year 7 Parents/Carers Social 7.30pm Thursday 23rd September at the White Horse 

  • 06:46 PM - 5th September, 2024 Adult tickets/free student registration for our Late Summer Picnic, Friday, 13th September, are available from Thurs 22nd August Read more… Have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you then!
  • 12:13 PM - 5th September, 2024 Yr6 families applying for a Foundation place at Christ's school, please complete our supplementary form and ask your Minister / Vicar or Priest to sign it and return to by 31/10/24. You also need to apply online via Eadmissions.Read more
  • 07:00 AM - 3rd September, 2024 A reminder to please top up lunch accounts before students return to school this week. You can upload money online via MCAS or students can bring money into school to top up using the cash loaders by the canteen
  • 04:37 PM - 2nd September, 2024 Year 12 are a 10AM start! We are really looking forward to welcoming you all back from the new academic year!
  • 09:42 AM - 23rd August, 2024 A very well done to all our Year 11 students who received their GCSE results yesterday
  • 08:46 AM - 23rd August, 2024 Congratulations to every student at yesterday 👏 | READ MORE ➡️Read more
  • 10:38 AM - 21st August, 2024 Year 11 students - GCSE results collection / Sixth Form Enrolment is tomorrow morning (Thursday 22nd August) at 8:30am. We are looking forward to seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning.
  • 02:05 PM - 20th August, 2024 Highlights so far from our year 6 Summer School.
  • 01:05 PM - 20th August, 2024 Highlights so far from our year 6 Summer School.
  • 11:46 AM - 16th August, 2024 Please use the summer break to check that your child has a all the equipment that they will need each day at school.
  • 05:59 PM - 15th August, 2024
  • 05:59 PM - 15th August, 2024 Lots of smiles this morning on A level results day!