Where does the money go?
The PSA provides funds for many aspects of the school.
Between 2022-24, the PSA funded:
Sound equipment for the Music Department
VEO Sport Recording/Live Streaming Technology for the PE Department
Digital Theatre for the Drama Department
Recycling bins and funds for environment improvements for the Eco-team
Purchase of new non-fiction books for the Library
Summer Reading book each for all new Sept 24 Year 7s
Chapel refurbishments for the Chaplain
Drone equipment and 3D Printer supplies for the IT Department
In the 2021-22 academic year, we funded:
• £559 for Handball Goals as requested by the PE Department for this increasingly popular sport
• £862.20 for a summer holiday transition book for each year 6 child starting year 7.
• £1,839 for the minibus appeal.
We also invested in some resources for the PSA:
• £941.01 on various pieces of reusable equipment for the Fireworks event, such as Sumup machines, Crepe machines, trestle tables, sandbags for the marquees etc.
• £2,900.40 on a shipping container to store all PSA equipment for the first time in the same place and make it easier to access and look after.
For 2020-21, we made a number of charitable commitments for the academic year.
- £1,300 to fund new football goals for whole school use and which also meet regulations to be used for official matches by the school’s teams and hirers of the school grounds/sports facilities.
- £800 to fund the Year 7 transition book for new Year 7 students.
- 12 new picnic benches to increase and improve outdoor seating, £3,600
- £4,950 towards curtains for the Drama hall
- £4,500 towards a new Laser Cutter for the Technology Department
- £400 towards artwork hanging fixtures for the Art Department
During 2019-20 the PSA spent £200 on an author visit to Christ’s and £180.79 towards a new portable PA system.
In recent years, the PSA have been delighted to have been able to fund:
- Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Tables
- Team kits for Christ's competitive sports teams
- Javelins for summer athletics
- Library books for all year groups
- Camera Visualiser's for the English Department
- Inspirational speakers for PSHE day
- Power bench for Science Department
- Lunchtime activities for the SEN Department
- French & Spanish books for MFL Department
- Speakers for the Drama Department
- Choral and Orchestral parts for the summer concert
- Christmas trees for the school and 6th form blocks
Major projects have included:
PHASE 2 - now complete!
Phase 2 of the project was completed over the October half term, and the inner quad is now complete with new raised decking area instead of muddy grass. Apparently it is already in high demand! We just need to pretty it up a bit now with hanging flower baskets or similar.........any ideas from parents or students welcome!
You can also just make out behind that the railing and building behind have also been repainted a neutral green, which makes the whole area look much smarter.
So what is the next project going to be? Please come along to the next PTA meeting with any suggestions....
PHASE 2 - now in progress
HUGE thanks for all your donations towards the landscaping project – the great news is that we now have enough to go ahead with the work, which should take place at the beginning September. Look out for photos on the PTA page of Christ’s website once the work has been completed.
Example of type of decking below....
Over the February half term, the first phase of the landscaping project was completed, which transformed the muddy inner quad area shown below....
.....into a wonderful new smart, all weather seating area shown in the images below.
The Final step of finishing the border area was completed over the Easter holidays. We decided to go for decking interspersed with robust planting, as we thought this would be both functional, providing much needed seating, at the same time as reducing the need for plant maintenance.
Now onto Phase 2......