The School Fund

Christ's School Needs You!

We strive to ensure that the school continues to be a welcoming, safe and modern environment for our students; an inspiring space that is conducive to their learning and well-being. However, the maintenance of the school is very expensive and, because the school is a Voluntary-Aided school, the responsibility for this upkeep lies with the school's Governing Board, not the local authority.

In addition, the current cost of living crisis has meant a squeeze on state funding and cuts to education grants, which is having a huge impact on all schools' ability to ensure a learning environment that is fit-for-purpose. Like all schools, Christ’s School needs parental support more than ever to ensure that our students benefit from a first class learning environment.

In recent years we have relied upon the generosity of parents making regular contributions to our School Fund. These funds have made it possible for the school to, amongst others:  undertake the re-roofing of the main school building (jointly with the Diocese); procure a new minibus; buy new picnic benches for use by students at break and lunch times; create a new long jump facility;  install theatre-quality lighting and sound in all our main hall spaces and completely refurbish the toilet facilities in the main block. 

To be able to continue to enhance our facilities, create and procure learning and wellbeing resources for our students, we ask all our families who are able to, to make a financial donation to the school. We will gratefully receive all donations, however big or small. Regular and larger donations enable us to make longer term, more ambitious plans whilst smaller, one-off donations help with one-off projects for the school.

Our School Fund is a registered charity and donating is easy. Simply scan the QR code below or follow this link to get started. Thank you!

Governors QR


  • 06:46 PM - 5th September, 2024 Adult tickets/free student registration for our Late Summer Picnic, Friday, 13th September, are available from Thurs 22nd August Read more… Have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you then!
  • 12:13 PM - 5th September, 2024 Yr6 families applying for a Foundation place at Christ's school, please complete our supplementary form and ask your Minister / Vicar or Priest to sign it and return to by 31/10/24. You also need to apply online via Eadmissions.Read more
  • 07:00 AM - 3rd September, 2024 A reminder to please top up lunch accounts before students return to school this week. You can upload money online via MCAS or students can bring money into school to top up using the cash loaders by the canteen
  • 04:37 PM - 2nd September, 2024 Year 12 are a 10AM start! We are really looking forward to welcoming you all back from the new academic year!
  • 09:42 AM - 23rd August, 2024 A very well done to all our Year 11 students who received their GCSE results yesterday
  • 08:46 AM - 23rd August, 2024 Congratulations to every student at yesterday 👏 | READ MORE ➡️Read more
  • 10:38 AM - 21st August, 2024 Year 11 students - GCSE results collection / Sixth Form Enrolment is tomorrow morning (Thursday 22nd August) at 8:30am. We are looking forward to seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning.
  • 02:05 PM - 20th August, 2024 Highlights so far from our year 6 Summer School.
  • 01:05 PM - 20th August, 2024 Highlights so far from our year 6 Summer School.
  • 11:46 AM - 16th August, 2024 Please use the summer break to check that your child has a all the equipment that they will need each day at school.
  • 05:59 PM - 15th August, 2024
  • 05:59 PM - 15th August, 2024 Lots of smiles this morning on A level results day!