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We're Outstanding!
We’ve received the results of our recent SIAMS Inspection and we’re delighted to say that Christ’s School has been recognised as Outstanding. The Inspection which examines the distinctiveness and effectiveness of Christ’s as a Church of England school found that the School “through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners”.
The Inspection gave special recognition to the “exemplary pastoral care in the school” stating that “the Christian ethos of servant leadership ensures that every individual student and adult is nurtured to fulfil their God-given potential”.
This report reflects the hard work that everyone involved with the school puts in on a daily basis to ensure that our three core values of peace, justice and love shape a positive, harmonious culture within which students can develop into mature and responsible adults. You can read the full report here.
As a school we are highly ambitious, continually striving for excellence for our whole community, therefore we are delighted that this report represents another step on our journey to achieving this.
Helen Dixon