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The Governing Body is a team of committed and enthusiastic volunteers, representing all corners of our school community including parents, staff and local churches.
We work closely with the Headteacher and senior staff in the school to set strategic direction and ensure strong accountability is in place for everything that happens at Christ’s.
We are often described as ‘critical friends’ of the school; challenging and giving constructive criticism, but always from the perspective of strong support and absolute commitment to the goals of the school.
Christ's Governing Body recognises the importance of parental engagement in students' learning. Parental feedback is shared with governors in a number of formats and the Governing Body monitors that the school is engaging and communicating effectively with parents and carers.
If you wish to contact the Governors please email the Clerk to the Governors.
Governing Body FAQs
To contact the governors, in the first instance, please email the Clerk to the Governors at clerk@christs.school. Please do not email governors directly, as doing so may create issues regarding impartiality and confidentiality.
Any general complaints or issues about the school should initially go through the normal channels of:
- Form tutor/subject teacher as appropriate
- Head of year/department as appropriate
- Headteacher
Inspection, or copies, of approved Minutes of Full Governing Body and Committee meetings are available upon request by contacting the Clerk to the Governors at clerk@christs.school.
The role of the Governing Body and individual Governors at Christ's School is:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its students, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Governors are encouraged to take on ‘Link Governor roles’ which entails taking a particular interest in an aspect of school life, e.g. enrichment, equalities. Some link roles are statutory (e.g. SEND, Safeguarding) and other roles are agreed based on school priorities. There is, therefore, enormous scope for Governors to bring their particular areas of experience and enthusiasm to bear for the benefit of the school. We view diversity as a key strength in decision making and in fulfilling our governance roles, and actively encourage people from all backgrounds to volunteer their expertise and energy to enhance the learning experience of our children.
View the Scheme of Delegation for the Governing Body at Christ's School, which gives more details on the structure and operation of the Governing Body.
There are 16 constituted governors. The make-up of the Governing Body at Christ’s School reflects our Christian ethos and the school’s status as a Church of England School. Two local parishes provide Foundation Governors (four from the Richmond Team Ministry and three from the Parish of Holy Trinity and Christ Church, within which the school is situated).
The Southwark Diocesan Board of Education provides two additional Foundation Governors, as well as vital professional advice across many areas of the life of the school in furtherance of our Christian ethos. There are three Parent Governor posts, reflecting our belief that parents bring a unique and valuable insight to our deliberations. The Richmond Local Education Authority appoints one Governor. The Headteacher is an ex officio member of the Governing Body, whilst another staff member is elected to the Governing Body by the staff. The Deputy Headteachers are Associate Members. The Governing Body is also able to co-opt one governor where a particular need arises.
If you are interested in becoming a governor at Christ's then please contact the Clerk to the Governors
Governors at Christ's are made up of the following categories:
- Foundation
- Local Authority
- Parent
- Staff
- Co-Opted
- Associate Members
The Governing Body of our school is made up of foundation governors (including one ex-officio (by right of office) governor), parent governors, staff governors, and a Local Authority governor. The exact composition of a school's governing body is determined by its Instrument of Government. Governors usually serve a four year term of office which may be renewable.
Foundation Governors
The inclusion of foundation governors on the governing bodies of both Aided and Controlled schools is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a Church school. Foundation governors represent the historic link with the original establishment of the school and its distinctive religious ethos.
Christ’s foundation governors are appointed by either the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE) or the Parochial Church Councils (PCC) of Richmond Team Ministry and Holy Trinity & Christ Church. This is in recognition of the fact that the PCCs are the voice of the churches in the locality and the Diocesan Education Board has responsibility for formulating policies which affect all Church schools in the diocese.
In Voluntary Aided schools, foundation governors form the majority of governors. This reflects the financial contribution made by the Church to the maintenance and improvement of the buildings, and the requirement that Voluntary Aided schools should provide Christian religious education and worship in accordance with the school's trust deed.
Foundation governors are selected for their skills as well as their ability to preserve and develop the religious character and ethos of the school. In addition to the general duties and responsibilities of the Governing Body, foundation governors should:
- ensure that the religious character of the school is preserved
- have particular concern for religious education and worship in the school
- ensure the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed
Whilst having a focus on upholding a school’s religious ethos, foundation governors in faith schools are expected to carry out their role in a non-discriminatory manner, and work to support children of all faiths and none.
How to become a Foundation Governor
As detailed in the Instrument of Government, foundation governors are either appointed or take the role by virtue of the office that they hold, as shown below:
- Two appointed by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education
- Three appointed by the Parochial Church Council of Richmond Team Ministry
- Three appointed by the Parochial Church Council of Holy Trinity and Christ Church, Richmond
- The principal officiating minister of Richmond Team Ministry shall be a foundation governor ex officio
Local Authority (LA) Governors
LA governors are nominated by the local authority but appointed by the Governing Body. The local authority can nominate any person who is eligible to be a local authority governor, but it is for the Governing Body to decide whether their nominee has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school and meets any other eligibility criteria they have set. Local authorities therefore make every effort to understand the governing body’s requirements and identify and nominate suitable candidates. An individual eligible to be a staff governor at the school may not be appointed as a local authority governor.
How to become an LA Governor
If you are interested in becoming an LA governor, please visit Richmond Council’s website.
Parent Governors
All parents and carers of students currently at the school are eligible to become parent governors.
We are very keen for our governing body to represent our diverse community, and very much welcome applications from people of all nationalities, cultures, religions (and no faith) and backgrounds. New governors have access to training and are well supported.
Our current governing body represents a diverse set of skills, but are united in their interest in education and their desire to support Christ’s School. You can choose the area (represented by Committees) you are most interested in working in and will have the chance to influence school policies and outcomes. As for time commitments, governors attend, on average, two (generally evening) Committee and FGB meetings per month and spend 4 hours preparing for meetings. In addition, governors may be asked to participate in other school visits and meetings.
How to become a Parent Governor
Parent governors are elected by the parent body. When a position becomes vacant, the Clerk to the Governing Body contacts parents via email and asks for nominations accompanied by a short statement about the candidate. In the event of there being more nominations than vacancies, parents will be asked to vote for their preferred candidate. If no candidates come forward, the position remains open until there is an application.
Being a parent governor is a wonderful way to support your school, learn new skills and to help others. For more information, feel free to contact one of the current parent governors (who can be contacted through the Clerk at clerk@christs.school).
Staff Governors
All teaching and support staff who are employed by either the governing body or the local authority to work at the school under a contract of employment, are eligible to be staff governors.
Staff governors are elected by school staff and cease to hold office when they cease to be employed at the school.
A staff governor's role is not to represent staff, nor to stand alongside the headteacher in being held to account by the governing body, but to operate as part of the governing body to provide strategic leadership and to hold the headteacher to account.
For more information about the role, feel free to contact the current staff governor (who can be contacted through the Clerk at clerk@christs.school).
Co-Opted Governors
Co-opted governors are appointed, when necessary, by the governing body. They are people who in the opinion of the governing body have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. If no suitable candidate is known, the governing body may contact the SBDE and LA in the event of a requirement arising, in order to find a candidate with the necessary skills.
Associate Members
Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committees. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed.
Associate members are appointed because of the specific expertise and experience they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. Subject to the disqualifications set out in the 2012 Constitution Regulations, the governing body may appoint a pupil, school staff member, or any other person as an associate member so that they can contribute their specific expertise. This can help to address specific gaps identified in the skills of governing body members, and/or help the governing body respond to particular challenges that they may be facing.