School Meals

School meals at Christ’s School are provided by Caterlink who are committed to providing exciting, well-balanced menus with a focus on great value. Healthy eating is at the heart of their approach to food and they use quality, fresh and seasonal ingredients that are responsibly sourced in their kitchens. 

Our menu changes each term and operates on a three weekly rotation. Details of the menus and tariffs can be found below. 

We provide breakfast, snacks at break and a full hot-meal service including vegetarian options, for lunch as well meal deals.

The canteen runs a ‘cashless’ card system. Money can either be paid into your child’s lunch account with cash in school using our value loaders onsite or via the MyChildatSchool app.

Students eligible for free school meals automatically have their card credited each day, and they can use this allowance at lunchtime. The system is “invisible”, so other students will not be aware who is claiming a free school meal. Parents can top up these accounts using the 'MyChildAtSchool' app if they want their child to be able to spend more than the free school meal allowance


Spring Menu

TariffLunch Card Refunds