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The SEND Department at Christ's School supports students with a wide range of Learning, Behavioural, Social and Physical needs. We also support students that have English as a second language. Our main aim as a department is to ensure that all students are fully included in the life of the school and are well supported so that they can reach their full potential.

The majority of our support work is inside the classroom, working with the subject teacher and student to help the students to access the curriculum and to make the best of their time at Christ's. We also run a range of withdrawal sessions providing targeted intervention on either a small group or 1 to 1 basis. At key stage 3 these sessions include literacy, numeracy, social, emotional and behavioural support. At key stage 4 study skills is a further option with a personalised curriculum available.

The department acts as a safe space at break and lunchtimes and provides structured activities to support students’ needs. Positive, secure relationships are built with each student through the identification of a key person within the department. The department is well resourced and comprises a SEN Lead; six Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) with specialisms in SEMH, Maths, Literacy and Dyslexia, and a team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs).

We work closely with parents and outside agencies to enable us to provide the best provision that we can for our students. An Educational Psychologist (EP) is employed to work with students when required. In addition, we have Speech and Language therapy intervention, and involvement from other specialists as and when needed. The EP allocation is split between core and additional allocation and is used to support a combination of students on both a needs led means, and as part of our agreed work with AfC.

Admissions for young people with an EHCP is through consultation and placement via the Local Authority.

If you have a child in Year 5 with an EHCP, and would like to have a tour of Christ’s School, please email our SEN Lead.

Read our SEND Information Report here

Access Christ School's SEND Policy here

