
Students at Christ’s School are expected to take pride in their appearance and promote a positive image of their school, they must wear the correct uniform at all times.

All items bearing the Christ’s School logo are marked with an asterisk* and only available from our supplier, Stevensons in Twickenham. School uniform can be ordered through their online store:


Upon joining Christ’s School all students are assigned one of four Houses. Each House has its own colour. School ties and PE tops need to be ordered in House colours.

Compulsory school uniform

Compulsory sports kit

Royal blue school blazer with school badge*

White collared shirt/blouse (long or short sleeve)

House tie*

Plain tailored black school trousers or black pleated skirt

Plain black shoes, not boots to be worn with black or navy socks or tights

House PE top with school badge*

Navy shorts


Navy socks

Optional school uniform

Optional sports kit

Navy blue V neck pullover

Tailored black school shorts

Sky blue polo shirt with school badge* (summer term only)

Long sleeve mid layer with school badge*

Navy joggers/ navy or black leggings

Navy, black or white base layer

In addition to the above, non compulsory PE items can also be purchased directly from our online store:

Halbro Sports
These items complement the school PE kit and should not be purchased without acquiring the school PE kit from Stevensons.

Uniform Clarification


Second Hand Uniform Sales

We regularly hold second hand uniform sales and these will be advertised via email to parents and carers.  Branded items are sold at reduced cost and to be paid for electronically only.

Donations of good quality, clean, branded uniform items are welcome. Please leave these at school reception, labelled as second hand uniform donations.