Absence Reporting

Good attendance is the key to success at secondary school. If your child is not in school not only will they miss what is taught that day but they will struggle to keep up in the following lessons.

The school gates open at 8.00am every day. Students must be in school by 8.25am. Anyone arriving after 8.30am must go to Student Services to sign in late. Late students will not be accepted into their class unless they have a late slip and will be subject to sanctions. 

Please report student absences before 8.30am giving the reason for absence by emailing or by calling and selecting Option 1.

020 8940 6982
Please make medical appointments outside of school hours or allow your child to come to school first, be registered, then leave for an appointment, returning to school afterwards, if possible.

Any requests for holiday during term time will be declined. Any term time holiday will be referred to the Schools Education Welfare Service and families may be subject to Fixed Penalty notice(s)

Please apply directly to Mrs Dixon, Headteacher for any other leave of absence requests. Leave of absence will not be authorised if attendance is less than 95%.

Access Christ's School Attendance Policy here


Extreme weather guidance

Please always assume that school is open unless you receive information via the MCAS app, text and/or email from us to the contrary.  If snow has fallen overnight, or conditions are deteriorating in the morning, a decision as to whether the school will be closed will usually be made and broadcast to you by 7.30am. Please do not call the school switchboard at this time as it is unlikely to be manned or we may be using all the lines.

Students should make additional allowance for travel time if roads and pavements are slippery but passable and should not seek to excuse themselves because they did not allow for the conditions. We would ask parents to ensure that students leave home on such mornings or when cold/poor weather is forecast in appropriate footwear and suitable additional clothing. If transport is severely disrupted or you feel your child’s safety is genuinely compromised we would ask you to notify us of lateness or absence in the normal way.

If a decision has to be made to close the school during the day after students have arrived but before the normal closing time, we will contact you and keep you updated as described and, in extreme circumstances only, may allow the students to make supervised contact with you from their own mobile devices regarding transport home.  We will make every attempt to ensure all students make contact with parents or a suitable family member; students should not leave school unless a family member has been contacted and we will keep students safe on the premises until they tell us they have been able to contact home. As far as possible we would ask you not to travel to pick up your child if you would not normally do so as this may contribute to additional problems and delay on nearby roads.