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Careers and Progression
At Christ’s School, we are committed to delivering an inspiring Careers Programme which raises aspirations, broadens horizons and breaks down stereotypes. We seek to support our students to gain the necessary skills and experience to help them navigate the opportunities and challenges of the future world of work. Our careers provision ensures that all students from Year 7 through to Year 13 have access to a high quality careers programme which meets the individual's needs of students by providing; encounters with employers, further & higher education providers, experience of workplaces, access to up-to-date career and progression information & resources, links careers with the curriculum, and provides independent & impartial personal guidance. The Programme is developed in accordance with the latest research in Careers Education including the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Career Development Institute's Framework.
We review our Careers Programme at the end of the academic year and seek feedback on its effectiveness and impact throughout the year from students, teachers, parents and partner organisations. In addition, we make use of the Compass+ careers benchmarking tool, as well as analysis of destinations data for our post 16 and 18 leavers.
The Careers Office is in the Lower Sixth Form Study Room and Ms Holmes, our dedicated Careers and Progression Leader, is available to both students and parents with advice and guidance on careers and next steps. She can be contacted on 020 8940 6982 or via the email below.
Get involved
We welcome support for our Careers Programme from alumni, parents, members of the local community, employers, training providers and Further and Higher Education Institutes. Please get in contact for further information about how to support the Careers Programme here at Christ’s School.
Access Christ's School Student Entitlements here
Access Christ's School Careers Programme here