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RSHE and Personal Development

RSHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education) is taught within our personal development periods throughout the school year. Parts of the curriculum are also taught within the Science, Religious Studies, Citizenship, and Physical Education curriculums and through our collective worship programme.

Throughout the year we also have a number of external organisations that support and underpin the RSHE programme we deliver to ensure that every child is receiving the age-appropriate information they need to develop healthy relationships and lifestyles including:

  • Families
  • Respectful relationships, including friendships
  • Online and media
  • Being safe
  • Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Internet Safety and Harms
  • Physical Health and Fitness
  • Basic First Aid
  • Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
  • Healthy Eating
  • Health and Prevention
  • Changing Adolescent Bodies

Our 7-year study guides show how the curriculum is delivered and the topics that are covered in each year group:

7-year Study Guides


Personal Development

Alongside the academic curriculum we provide a daily, tutor-led programme of personal development which focuses on promoting students’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development.

Our ‘Character and Culture’ curriculum covers all key stages with over 220 individual year group specific sessions. Every week students have the opportunity to develop their character attributes, explore cultural issues or focus on relationships and health education, with each area alternating every half term.

The ‘Character’ part of the programme challenges students with activities that aim to develop leadership skills, oral communication while demonstrating initiative, resilience, and organisational skills.

Examples include:
  • Year 7 who complete the Archbishop Young Leaders Award
  • Year 8 students who organise events for local charities
  • Year 9 every student takes part in a public speaking challenge.
  • Years 10-13 have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and support the lower years in their activities.

The ‘Culture’ part of the programme works alongside our whole school Collective Worship and explores our core key values of love, justice, and peace. We also focus on a number of core human values such as compassion, forgiveness and integrity. Topics covered also include Black History month, the environment, mental health, and kindness. Each topic is explored in a different way by each year group and delivered through group discussions and class debates.