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Business Studies

Head of Business Studies
Mr Braddock 



The Business department takes a creative and robust approach to teaching and learning. Students engage with challenging contextual case studies by utilising the reading and writing skills they learnt in KS3 that allow them to progress and develop until Year 13, should they choose to continue onto the BTEC. We recognise the important relationship between knowledge and skills and ensure that our teaching frameworks reflect this consistently. Students study a broad range of topics that have an underlying future careers focus. Specifications have been chosen with accessibility at its core; the practical nature of our courses allows students of all abilities to thrive in this subject.



The Business Studies department has a fully equipped computer lab with an additional laptop bank for coursework task completion. The latest textbook and subscription packages are available for students in the classroom as well as a department website with additional revision resources.


Key Stage 4

The Cambridge National Level 2 in Enterprise and Marketing course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the key principles and practices involved in finance and marketing. The course focuses on real life skills required to set up and launch a startup business, how to conduct effective market research and deliver business proposals, how to successfully pitch and market a business. This course has strong vocational properties and many students go on to complete L3 courses. 60% of this course is assessed through coursework and NEA.


Course Specification