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Food Preparation & Nutrition

Food Preparation & Nutrition
Ms Conteh



Food Preparation & Nutrition is a practical and inspiring subject that equips students with essential life skills and creativity. Through hands-on experiences, students explore nutrition, food science, cultural cuisines, and sustainability while tackling real-world challenges like food sustainability, health, and global food trends.




Our Food Technology room is fully equipped to support both practical and theory-based learning. Students have access to individual workstations with modern appliances and specialist equipment, enabling them to work independently on a variety of practical tasks. A dedicated technician is available to support both lesson preparation and students during practical elements.


Key Stage 3

KS3 Food, Preparation and Nutrition lessons are once per fortnight and delivered throughout the year. Each year group completes a range of practical and diverse projects. The Department uses GCSE objectives for consistency of assessment language as students move through the curriculum at KS3. Skills and knowledge are consistently revisited throughout with incremental challenges and control of materials, processes and equipment added.


Key Stage 4

Students complete two NEA (Non-Exam Assessment) tasks, accounting for 50% of the GCSE: Task 1, the Food Investigation, assesses ingredient properties through practical work, and Task 2, the Food Preparation Assessment, involves planning, preparing, and presenting a three-dish menu, testing nutrition and time management skills. This hands-on approach builds practical skills and confidence.

In addition, students study five core topics—Food, Nutrition and Health, Food Science, Food Safety, Food Choice, and Food Provenance—gaining a comprehensive understanding of food science and nutrition.


Course Specification