Physical Education


‘At Christ’s we firmly believe that Sport is a key component in building student self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as contributing to the school ethos and driving further academic excellence. We believe the drive to compete and excel in sport shapes a young person’s character, binds the school together and reinforces the drive to compete and excel academically’


Physical Education At Christ's

We are consistently ranked in the top 200 schools (state and independent) in the country for sport. We have been awarded the Sport England Sportsmark Gold Award four years running due to the range of our extra-curricular clubs we offer students and our participation rates at these clubs. Results within the department at A Level PE are consistently outstanding. We consistently achieve ALPS 2 at Key Stage 5 PE which places our department in the top 5% for A Level PE results in the country.

Christ’s PE department uses competitive sport to energise the school culture. Our school leaders understand sports value and continually promote it. Students enjoy competition at Christ’s, it pushes them to try harder and do better, obviously sport naturally carries with it the risk of failure or defeat, but we fervently believe how better to prepare students for the setbacks that life will inevitably throw at them. We know that not every child can or will go on to become a world champion, but we hope that every child will experience victories and defeats. At Christ’s we believe all students deserve the opportunity to have their sporting passion identified and nurtured.


Course Summary

A Level PE is 70% theoretical and 30% practical. The theoretical component is made of three modules; Exercise Physiology, Socio-Cultural Studies and Sports Psychology. Students are also assessed in these three theoretical examinations (70%) at the end of the course after two years. Students are required to be assessed in one practical sport (15%) and for their coursework produce a verbal analysis of a performance (15%)

Students in Years 12 and 13 undertake enrichment on a Wednesday afternoon each week. This allows each student the opportunity to participate in one hour of Physical Education each week. The Sixth Form Sports Ambassador helps to organise and orchestrate the enrichment PE provision for all Sixth Form students on a Wednesday. 

Competitive  6th form fixtures in the sports of football, netball, rugby and basketball take place each Wednesday afternoon. The school competes in the 6th Form Borough Leagues, as well as regional and national level competitions.



Christ’s School has five teaching staff within the Physical Education department. The facilities include a full size sports hall with a comprehensive range of gymnastics and indoor sports equipment. The school also has 4 hard tennis/netball courts, a full size football and rugby pitch, a state of the art dance suite, a table tennis studio, as well as an outdoor summer athletics track (400m) and long jump pit. We also have an indoor traversing climbing wall and a 10m outdoor climbing wall. We have a close relationship with Richmond Cricket Club where we now have onsite access to a brand new cricket wicket, outfield and multi lane batting nets.


Assessment method

A Level PE is 70% theoretical and 30% practical. The theoretical component is made of three modules; Exercise Physiology, Socio-Cultural Studies and Sports Psychology. Students are also assessed in these three theoretical examinations (70%) at the end of the course after two years. Students are required to be assessed in one practical sport (15%) and for their coursework produce a verbal analysis of a performance (15%)


Enrichment and Extra-Curricular

Students in Years 12 and 13 undertake enrichment on a Wednesday afternoon each week. This allows each student the opportunity to participate in one hour of Physical Education each week. The Sixth Form Sports Ambassador helps to organise and orchestrate the enrichment PE provision for all Sixth Form students on a Wednesday. 

Competitive  6th form fixtures in the sports of football, netball, rugby and basketball take place each Wednesday afternoon. The school competes in the 6th Form Borough Leagues, as well as regional and national level competitions. 

Students and Parents have the ability to view any upcoming sports fixtures, download resources and view further information regarding PE at Christ’s via the dedicated PE Google site.

All Christ’s School results, photos, video clips & match reports are now on Facebook and Instagram.


GCSE requirements

GCSE PE grade 6

Science grade 6

Ideally students would have studied GCSE PE prior to studying A Level PE. However, this is not compulsory. Any students who have not studied GCSE PE previously would need to allocate further study time to learning content prior to or alongside studying A Level PE


Exam Board

OCR A Level PE - Course Code: H555



Reading and Resources


OCR A Level PE Book 1


Product details

Format Paperback | 296 pages

Dimensions 215 x 275 x 14mm | 846g

Publication date 24 Jun 2016


Publication City/Country London, United Kingdom

Language English

Edition statement UK ed.

ISBN10 1471851737

ISBN13 9781471851735

OCR A Level PE Book 2


Product details

Format Paperback | 352 pages

Dimensions 214 x 275 x 8mm | 656g

Publication date 26 Aug 2016


Publication City/Country London, United Kingdom

Language English

Edition statement UK ed.

ISBN10 1471851745

ISBN13 9781471851742

Useful Links


OCR A Level PE website - A sports coaching website which contains an expanse of material relating to methods and principles of training as well as goal setting, motivation and other psychological aspects. This is not aimed specifically at GCSE students so be aware that some of the material will be A-level standard. - Assessment related information including the specification, specimen assessment materials, sample schemes of work, lesson plans and a guide to controlled assessment. - Website providing resources, teaching guidance and ideas, information from National Curriculum teacher handbooks, and non-statutory guidelines, offered by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. - Features current news plus archives, guides by subject, "Ask a Doctor" inquiry feature, a searchable conditions database, message board, and much more. - An interactive website which allows students to drag and drop muscles and bones into place. There is detailed information on muscles and bones and explanations as to their role and function. - A secondary school revision resource for students studying their GCSEs featuring written content, interactive content, audio, video and games. - A comprehensive Physical Education website covering all aspects of the course. Be sure to select ‘intermediate’ level as this website also contains a great deal of information for A-level study. This website is particularly useful for aspects of anatomy and physiology and the short and long term effects of exercise on the body. - The Education Forum provides free learning resources for teachers and students. You are able to access, print and download extracts for your use. - Volunteering England works to promote volunteering as a powerful force for change, both for those who volunteer and for the wider community. - A useful website detailing causes, symptoms and treatments for a wide variety of sporting injuries. It also has some useful diagrams of isolated muscles and their attachments. - Information about how to keep your heart healthy, 3d animation of a beating heart and information about various heart issues. - This new Cancer Research UK website is a one-stop-shop for all of your cancer information needs. It includes information on how you can live healthily, and much more. - A to Z list of substances/performance enhancing drugs explains appearance and use, effects, chances of getting hooked, health risks and UK law.  - Detailed website relating to sponsorship in sport, includes case studies and information about how to gain sponsorship and local and national provision.