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- Psychology
Head of Department: Ms D Bosso
“We cannot change, we cannot move away from what we are, until we thoroughly accept what we are. Then change seems to come about almost unnoticed.”
Carl R. Rogers
Course Summary
Our A level course offers an engaging and effective introduction to Psychology. Students will learn the fundamentals of the subject and develop skills valued by Higher Education (and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking and research.
Year 1
In Year 1, students develop a solid understanding of a range of psychological theories. In order to achieve this aim, students will learn more about social influence and how obedience and conformity explain our behaviour. They will learn about memory and understand how we learn and forget. They will explore what is attachment and the role of early relationships as an infant on later adult functioning and learn about all of the different psychological approaches - and visit Freud's museum in London.
Year 2
Year 2 is designed to build on the knowledge gained in Year 1 and looks in greater depth at real world psychological issues, such as the key issues and debates in Psychology, explored biopsychology and how the brain functions and delve into research methods and statistical tests. During this key year, will also have the opportunity to learn more about gender, eating behaviours and forensic psychology, applying the knowledge build during Year 1.
Paper 1: Introductory topics in Psychology
Social influence
Paper 2: Psychology in context
Approaches in Psychology
Research methods
Paper 3:
Issues & debates
Eating behaviours
Assessment method
Paper 1: 33%
Paper 2: 33%
Paper 3: 33%
GCSE requirements
6 English language
6 Maths
6 Biology
Enrichment and Extra-Curricular
Y12: Trip to Freud Museum London
Y13: Year 2 Grade Booster Workshop (tutor2u)
Exam Board
AQA A-level Psychology - Course Code: 7182
Reading and Resources
AQA Psychology for A Level Year 1 & AS Student Book: 2nd Edition
AQA Psychology for A Level Year 2 Student Book: 2nd EditionTutor2uSimply PsychologyPsychBoost